Return earliest date in a range

This tutorial shows how to get the earliest date in a range using Excel formulas, with the MIN and SMALL functions

EXCEL FORMULA 1. Return earliest date in a range with MIN function


Return earliest date in a range



range: The range of cells that contain the dates from which you want to find the earliest date.


This formula uses the MIN function which returns the smallest number from the selected range to find the earliest date. When a date is formatted as a number the earliest date will have the lowest value, therefore, the MIN function is appropriate to use for this example.

In this example the cell B7, with a date of 15 August 2019, contains the earliest date from the selected range (B5:B9).

EXCEL FORMULA 2. Return earliest date in a range with SMALL function


Return earliest date in a range



range: The range of cells that contain the dates from which you want to find the earliest date.


This formula uses the SMALL function, with the nth smallest value set to 1, which will return the smallest number from the selected range to find the earliest date. When a date is formatted as a number the earliest date will have the lowest value, therefore, the SMALL function is appropriate to use for this example.

In this example the cell B7, with a date of 15 August 2019, contains the earliest date from the selected range (B5:B9).


Related Topic Description Related Topic and Description
How to get the smallest number from a list with a specific criteria
How to get the latest date in a range


Related Functions Description Related Functions and Description
The Excel SMALL function returns the numeric value from a specified range based on the nth smallest position
The Excel MIN function returns the smallest value from a specified range of numeric values