Find nth duplicate in a range

This tutorial shows how to find the nth duplicate value in a range using an Excel formula or VBA

Example: Find nth duplicate in a range

Find nth duplicate in a range

METHOD 1. Find nth duplicate in a range using Excel formula


=IF(COUNTIF($B$5:$B$10,B5)>1,IF(COUNTIF($B$5:B5,B5)=2,"Second Duplicate",""),"")
This formula uses the Excel IF and COUNTIF functions to find the nth duplicate value in a selected range and return a specific value. In this example when the formula finds the second duplicate value in the selected range (B5:B10) it will return the words 'Second Duplicate' in the cell next to the second duplicate value that it found. It will return a blank cell next to all other occurrences of this value from the selected range.

METHOD 1. Find nth duplicate in a range using VBA


Sub Find_nth_duplicate_in_range()
'declare variables
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Analysis")
'find second duplicate value and return a specific value in the cell to the right
For x = 5 To 10
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(ws.Range("$B$5:$B$10"), ws.Range("B" & x)) > 1 Then

If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(ws.Range("$B$5:B" & x), ws.Range("B" & x)) = 2 Then
ws.Range("C" & x) = "Second Duplicate"
ws.Range("C" & x) = ""
End If

End If

Next x

End Sub

Explanation about how to find nth duplicate in a range



This tutorial shows how to find the nth duplicate value from a selected range through the use of an Excel formula or VBA.
The Excel method uses the IF and COUNTIF functions to find the nth duplicate value in a specified range and return a specific value.
The VBA method adopts a very similar approach by also using the If and Countif functions but it also uses a For function to loop through each of the cells in the specific range to test for the nth duplicate value and return a specific value in the nominated cell.
range: A range of cells in which you want to find the nth duplicate value.
value: The value that you are testing if it's the nth duplicate value.
limit_range: A range up to and including the cell that you are testing if it's the nth duplicate value in the range.
result_value: A value to return if it's the nth duplicate value.
nth_duplicate: A number that represents the nth duplicate value that you want to find in the range.


Related Topic Description Related Topic and Description
How to find the first duplicate value in a range using Excel and VBA
How to find duplicate values in a range using Excel and VBA
How to count duplicate values in a range using Excel and VBA
How to count duplicate values in order using Excel and VBA


Related Functions Description Related Functions and Description
The Excel IF function performs a test on specified conditions entered into the formula and returns a specified value if the result is TRUE or another specified value if the result is FALSE
The Excel COUNTIF function returns the number of cells in a range that meet a specified criteria