Highest scoring player
This example shows how to calculate the highest scoring player from a list of players
Example: Highest scoring player
This formula can be used to calculate the highest scoring player from a list of players. This example assumes there are 11 players, who are listed in range (B5:B15) with the number of goals scored by each player recorded in the column to the right in range (C5:C15).
This example shows how to calculate the highest scoring player from a list of players. It uses a combination of Excel INDEX, MATCH and MAX functions to calculate the highest scoring player.
This example shows how to calculate the highest scoring player from a list of players. It uses a combination of Excel INDEX, MATCH and MAX functions to calculate the highest scoring player.
players_rng: List of players.
goals_rng: The number of goals scored by a player in the players range.
players_rng: List of players.
goals_rng: The number of goals scored by a player in the players range.
The calculation of the highest scoring player that is shown in this example can be applied to multiple sports that have more than one player and where the players score goals. Examples of such sports are, but not limited to, soccer, football and basketball.
The calculation of the highest scoring player that is shown in this example can be applied to multiple sports that have more than one player and where the players score goals. Examples of such sports are, but not limited to, soccer, football and basketball.